Our Heart and Anchor Churches, St Augustine’s and St Clement’s are both located in the BD3 area of Bradford. They are both Church of England parishes belonging to a shared Benefice.
We share a Vicar, the Revd Rosy Fairhurst, and we love doing things together.
The Heart is St Augustine’s, coming from St Augustine of Hippo’s symbol of the heart: ‘Our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you.’ The Anchor is St Clement’s, coming from St Clement of Rome's symbol of the anchor: a great supporter of the poor, he was martyred by drowning. The heart symbolises Love; the anchor, Hope; and we are united by God's gift of Faith in Jesus Christ. We love to share our Love, Hope and Faith with others.
Our churches often come together throughout the year to share services and events. Nevertheless each church has it's own distinct identity - as you will discover when you visit!
Our setting is multicultural, including longstanding faithful members who remember BD3 when it looked very different, economic migrants and refugees, young and old, families and singles. We aim to be friendly and accepting of all sorts of different people. We recognise that we are a minority faith now in the area, and aim to be respectful and in dialogue with people of other faiths, wanting to learn as well as to share our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our vision is to share God’s love and our sure hope in Jesus Christ, the anchor of our souls, through sustainable faith-inspired action in BD3 and beyond.
We worship and learn together, encourage one another to go deeper and further in our journeys of faith, and reach out in love, service and witness in BD3 and the places we live and engage with beyond. We support two community projects which we founded – Community Works and the Anchor Project - and we seek to use our buildings for the benefit of the whole community.